What was the point really...was there even a point or to many drugs maby?
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What was the point really...was there even a point or to many drugs maby?
That was funny for some weird reason...good work
ps sorry this review su*ked :)
Haha that's okay. Thank you.
Its the greatest just like the rest of you guy's Episodes! Make More Bitches or is Wayn Braidy going to have to cut a bitch...
This kicks ass Good job
I got 531 after a few tryes he kept hitting the bombs on baloons
I had fun with this, nice job
mine kicks ass 00010023000000050003000100010001000100010001000100020001000
HAHAHA its said "after fucking there food"
Yeah for some reason i find these amusing and fucking hilariouse!
I did this in school and the teacher made us read it to the class..I got kicked out
All your music is pretty sweet, this song is another add to your sweet music. and i love your reviews like in Eclipse.
Author's response:
You're obviously not familiar with the process of song-creating, as this piece was built from the bottom-up.
Oh and you're an idiot.
That right there foks is pure greatness, dont be a Moron or dick when your reviewing, your just going to have RageVI raged :)
All your music is the best. This track is perfect. I like the main lead its pretty good. What vst did you use? I like it!
Pretty nice
This is pretty good like all your other stuff lol. Oh and GGigabitem is right lol.
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